Create Clarity

The strategy session to get you unstuck and inspired again!

Feeling lost means you’re in the perfect place to discover a new way forward

But it doesn’t feel like that at the time, does it?

Sometimes knowing what you need to do next feels unclear. Even when you have achieved brilliant things before, even when you still now have great passion for what you want to make, confusion and uncertainty can stop you in your tracks.

This can show up as lacking a clear sense of direction or purpose, feeling hesitant or ambiguous about what your path forward might be. Or, on the other hand, you might feel swamped by ideas and possibilities, unsure about what to make your priority.

You might even be questioning your abilities and choices, knowing you need to take this important next step but feeling self-doubt or imposter syndrome that you are even up to realising the ambitions you have.

The dissatisfaction and irritation of feeling stuck is a frustrating place to be. Procrastination and endless distractions just make the lack of focus worse. The only person who can create your art and your next step is you… but you don’t know what that is!

What if you could take a breath and step back for a moment?

What if you could strip away what’s clouding your path and find focus?

What if you could get a hold of what matters RIGHT NOW and what you can be doing about it?


Create Clarity

A focused review of where you are right now with the opportunities and challenges in your creative practice, to get you clear on your next priorities, with a clear plan of practical steps to get you excited and moving again.

Let’s turn on the wipers and get going! A space to give attention to what will next help you achieve your goals - tools and strategies for productivity and goal-setting, overcoming procrastination and maintaining motivation, overcoming self-doubt and beliefs that hinder creativity, understanding and removing creative blocks and reigniting creativity when it wanes, learning to enjoy the process and realising success on your own terms.

Dr Lizzie Eldridge - author, actor & activist

“The value of spending 90 minutes with Paul is immeasurable. He listens with so much interest and attention, and picks up on all the significant points. His support, encouragement and hugely positive feedback will give me lasting creative energy and focus.

He gave me motivation to continue with my writing work and much appreciated guidance about how I can move forward.

I can't thank Paul enough for everything. His input really felt like a bright shining light in my day and has given me so many ideas and tools I can use for a very long time to go.

I really can't recommend Paul highly enough :)”

You will leave our session with…

Clarity and direction

I guide you to identify and resolve issues or blocks, encouraging you to challenge limiting beliefs, explore different perspectives, and consider alternative approaches. Through reflective exercises and probing questions, I help you to clarify your creative path and develop an actionable plan.

Motivation and rekindled creativity

Clients say they feel re-motivated, re-energised, and reconnected with their creativity after a clarity session. I support you to overcome creative blocks, reignite your passion for your project, and provide tailored advice and techniques to facilitate a more enjoyable, productive, and creative process.

Confidence in your strengths

We deepen your understanding of your practice in a safe, non-judgmental, and empathetic space for open conversation. I focus on your strengths, offering support and encouragement to build confidence and self-belief in the value of your work, and in your ability to create practical, personal solutions to the problems you are facing.

It’s all included…

A 90 minute clarifying conversation

An Action Plan for what is next

Personalised resources list

  • Jules Hein - writer

    I was feeling quite lost in my writing project but after having a coaching session with Paul, I feel re-motivated and encouraged to continue moving forward! Paul was incredibly patient and understanding, he took the time to listen and came up with helpful suggestions for each worry/issue I had with my creativity. I am very grateful that services/individuals like Paul exist as I feel they are pivotal to a creative's journey. The session was so beneficial and needed, thanks again Paul!”

  • Kim Moes - writer

    “Wow! Creativity Coaching is an understatement here. Paul is an active listener who asks pertinent questions. With Paul's help, you can find personal solutions to anything that might be blocking or slowing your creativity. We reviewed what works for me, and what doesn't, which allowed me to put a plan in place. Thank you for your insight, and your advice. I highly recommend Paul for creativity coaching.”

  • Agnes Halvorssen - writer

    “I really enjoyed my session with Paul, I didn't know what to expect but he made me feel completely at ease. The time absolutely flew by! It ended up being quite an emotional process and Paul supported me through that. The advice he gave to me was very useful, helping me get back into my novel edits after a few months of major life changes. I feel motivated and hopeful.

  • Madeleine Howard - writer

    “Paul was a great help for me to believe in myself as a creative: he encouraged me to talk openly about my feelings about my art (like therapy!) and listened carefully to then give me a clear set of advice and reflective techniques I could use to find my way starting out as a writer. He made me feel at ease and treated me like an individual. Thanks, Paul!”

What’s the investment?

For an intensive 90 minute session focused on creating clarity on your current situation and power your next steps towards realising your goals the investment is £99.

Many issues can cloud the way forward…

Self-Doubt and Confidence Issues

Imposter syndrome and a lack of self-belief, feeling like a failure, fear of not having enough time, or feeling like time is running out to achieve success

Productivity and Motivation

Lack of motivation, scattered focus, and difficulty in maintaining a consistent routine, procrastination, particularly when faced with the challenges of editing or starting new work

Creative Block and Idea Generation

Feeling creatively stuck and struggling to generate new ideas or make progress on existing work, feeling unmotivated to work on projects due to realisation of their flaws

Balancing Commitments and Time Management

Struggles in balancing commitments in work, personal life, with creative endeavours, feeling that other responsibilities always take priority

They don’t have to stop you in your tracks

Rachel DuBois - writer

“I came to Paul because I was stuck. For years, I’ve been burning to write a series of novels but I couldn’t even get the first chapter out. I just couldn’t figure out the story I most wanted to write. I knew the themes, some setting, some characters, but I felt like I had no mojo to kick things off and was lost in a sea of possible storylines. I was grinding out the words but they had no magic. Following the advice of a million authors, I had forced myself to write day after day because so many writers say this is what you have to do. I hated every word I wrote and finally gave up, shelving my novel dreams for the foreseeable future.

I came to Paul hoping he could help me find a way to enjoy writing and discover the story I would adore writing. By the end of my session with Paul, I was *back in the game*, armed with a host of fun yet useful creative writing exercises designed to help me enjoy myself, get wildly creative, and find my story. I have a 30 day plan I’m implementing that Paul helped me design. He truly listened to what I need, what my challenges were, and then set me up with the solutions to tackle them. I can’t wait to get started and I’ll be back in 30 days to reveal how it went, but I can already tell this session has been a game changer.”


  • After our introductory call, I will ask you to answer a few questions about how you feel your creative practice is going. We will then use our 90 minute session to understand the current picture, identify 1 or 2 areas for focus, and come up with an action plan to address them. Following our session, I will send you a personalised plan and resources list based on our conversation.

  • As a writer and maker myself, I know the power of having a quality conversation at the right time to help unlock the way forward. My clients can tell you in their own words how this worked for them, many of them finding huge value just in talking for the first time about their creativity with someone else who gets why it matters.

  • Many of my clients keep in touch after we work together, and I love to hear about what they are achieving. If you need support realising your goals, and are interested in going deeper to make bigger changes in your creative life, then we can talk about ‘Make It Happen’ - a longer one-to-one support package.

  • All our sessions are held on Zoom, but I do also meet clients in person in Brighton & Hove where I am based. If you would prefer to meet this way then this is certainly something we can discuss.

Ready to get some clarity on your creative goals?

I’m ready to listen!

For a free 20-minute discovery, simply book a time for us to chat.

I can’t wait to meet you :)